Inside Out Erasmus +

About the Programme| eTwinning Space| Slovakia 2020 | Inside Out Joint Projects | Christmas Cards form Portugal | Netherlands 2019Videos | Photo Album




About the European Union

Posters created by Megan Kinsella Bergin

A message of support to our Erasmus + Inside Out partners in Turkey

Flag of Ireland Flag of Netherlands Flag of Slovakia Flag of Poland Flag of Portugal


eTwinning- Twinspace page

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Mini Dictionary

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Virtual Meeting with our Partner Schools

Erasmus + Inside Out Teams meeting was held on 28th October with our partner schools, Holland, Portugal, Poland, Turkey & Slovakia.


Banagher College Erasmus+ Programme 2019-2021

For the attention of all second year parents/guardians.

Information for interested students and parents


What’s the project called?

The project is called Inside Out


Who is behind it?

The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.


What’s involved?

Banagher College has been chosen to be part of a European wide Erasmus+ project, which involves students and teachers from our school playing host to, and visiting, five other European schools; with the aim of increasing social awareness and skills among participants around migration, diversity and culture. (see below for more detailed information)


When will it take place?

The project will involve visits across the participating schools between September 2019 and September 2021


What other countries are involved?

Along with Banagher College, there will be schools from the Netherlands, Slovakia, Portugal, Poland and Turkey.


When will Banagher College be hosting:

The school and community are scheduled to host the five other countries in September 2020.


The first trip is to Slovakia 27th to 31st January 2020.  This trip is open to all second year students who wish to apply for one of four places available.


What are the requirements for participating students?

  1. Students will make videos to briefly introduce themselves/their school/country.
  2. Students will make short videos during the project meetings and while doing activities. These videos will then be compiled into a larger group video, which will be used for assessment of the final project.
  3. Students will make an e-magazine at the end of each LTTA (Exchange visit.)
  4. Each student will write and illustrate an A4 diary (sharing the experience of LTTA with other students.) All of this content will be collated at the end of the project and made available to each school – to disseminate among all students, teachers, parents and the local community; to highlight the experiences of the different participants in the programme.
  5. A logo of the project will be created by students
  6. Working in groups, students will make presentations in classes in Poland about their exchange experiences.
  7. The students that will take part in each LTTA will write their profiles; after which they will be sent to the partner schools so that the students that are going to host them can get some knowledge about their background, eating habits (including possible allergies), hobbies etc.


Will the same students go on each trip?

No, there will be a different mix of students and teachers on each LTTA.


What do parents need to do?

Parents need to be happy that they can comprehensively host students in September 2020. This will involve providing adequate accommodation and sustenance, as well as providing transport and support for the visiting students. It’s also essential that the host family endeavors to foster the spirit of cultural exchange and connection that is at the heart of the project.


Will there be a cost involved?

There is funding available that will cover the costs of flights and accommodation for any participating students. However, students will require spending money across the course of the trip.


How do I get involved?

If parents and students feel that would be interested in becoming involved and they feel that they can meet the criteria, then they can contact Ms. Corley to put their names forward for possible inclusion in the programme; or if they feel they require any extra information.





  • To help prepare students for a life in a globalized world.
  • Understanding the importance of experiential learning, peer to peer learning.
  • Foster better understanding of cultural/social diversity.
  • Improved competences in literacy and languages.
  • Cooperation in international working groups.
  • Encouraging greater awareness and positivity towards classmates from diverse backgrounds.

A fundamental hope of this project, is that the risk of migrants’ social exclusion will significantly reduce because our students/staff will develop enhanced attitudes of respect towards different cultures. The project develops a new educational approach that will strengthen the capacity, skills and entrepreneurial mind-sets of children from all backgrounds. This enables them to deal with the real challenges of the 21st century and allows them the possibility to become social change makers in a world where inequality, poverty and social exclusion still occur. They have the opportunity to become much more socially aware as a result of this innovative project.


The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Slovakia – January 2020

Congratulations to Second Year Students Emily Cormican, Abhainn Hurley, Aishling Foley and  Kelly Claffey who travelled to Slovakia in January 2020 as part of our Erasmus+ Inside Out project.

Read about our daily activities here


Photo Album

Videos of our trip:





Slovakia January 2020

The 4 students and 3 teachers had an action packed week in Slovakia. They visited the school, the silver mine in Banská, Terra Permonia Interactive Learning Centre, Copper Mines, learned how to cook Slovakian traditional food and many other activities.

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Inside Out Joint Projects


                                        «Christmas traditions and symbols»

Main aims:

  • Gaining environmental conscience
  • Learning critical thinking,
  • Learning artistic skills,
  • Learning social and multicultural competences.

Methods and techniques:

  • Individual work ( matching, choosing recycle materials,),
  • Group work.

Working process:

  1. Students collect recycled materials such as carton, bottles, CDs…
  2. Then, they gathered in groups to discuss which symbols of other cultures’ Christmas they would reproduce.
  3. The students started working together and building the cribs and Christmas crowns.


As a result, not only did the students learn more about other cultures and religions, which will increase their tolerance towards them, but also acquired an environmental conscience, by learning about recycling and reutilization of used materials.


Christmas cards from our Partner School in Portugal

Christmas cards from our Partner School in Portugal.
Christmas cards from our Partner School in Portugal.
Christmas cards from our Partner School in Portugal



Presentation by the Principal on the ethos of their school JENAPALANSCHOOL DE DUKDALF, LEIDEN, THE NETHERLANDS. 

Evlauation of the Trip- Ms. C. Corley & Ms. L. McDowall 


Trip to Budapest and Slovakia

Trip to Netherlands


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